Prof. Dr. Peter Hubral

  • Group: Emeritus


Journal Articles
Sensitivity analysis to near-surface velocity errors of the Kirchhoff single-stack redatuming of multi-coverage seismic data
da Rocha, T. C.; Garabito, G.; Hubral, P.; Shahsavani, H.; Gonçalves, B. F.
2022. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 206, Art.-Nr.: 104788. doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2022.104788
50 Years Geophysical Institute Karlsruhe, 1964 to 2014 - Expectations and Surprises
Bohlen, T.; Bonjer, K.-P.; Forbriger, T.; Fuchs, K.; Hubral, P.; et al.
2014. (C. Prodehl, Ed.), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Book Chapters
Applied Geophysics from 1983 to 2007
Hubral, P.; Mann, J.
2014. 50 Years Geophysical Institute Karlsruhe, 1964 to 2014 - Expectations and Surprises. Ed.: C. Prodehl, 65–77, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) 
Conference Papers
A model-based approach to the Common-Diffraction-Surface Stack - a synthetic case study
Shahsavani, H.; Mann, J.; Piruz, I.; Hubral, P.
2011. 12th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 15-18, 2011, 1 CD-Rom, Sociedade Brasileira de Geofisica 
Journal Articles
A model-based approach to the Common-Diffraction-Surface stack - theory and synthetic case study
Shahsavani, H.; Mann, J.; Piruz, I.; Hubral, P.
2011. Journal of Seismic Exploration, 20 (3), 289–308 
Journal Articles
Common-Reflection-Surface stack: accounting for conflicting dip situations by considering all possible dips
Mann, J.; Hubral, P.; Soleimani, M.; Piruz, I.
2009. Journal of Seismic Exploration, 18 (3), 271–288 
Conference Papers
2-D CRS Stack: one-step versus multi-step strategies
Hubral, P.; Grabito, C. G.; Cruz, J. C.
2007. 10º Congresso Internacional da Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica - Extended Abstracts, 19 a 23 de novembro de 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; 1 CD-Rom, Rio de Janeiro 
Book Chapters
The Common-Reflection-Surface (CRS) stack - a data-driven space-time adaptive seismic reflection imaging procedure
Mann, J.; Duveneck, E.; Bergler, S.; Hubral, P.
2004. Applications of Space-Time Adaptive Processing. Ed.: R. Klemm, VIII. 4, Institution of Electrical Engineers 
Journal Articles
The unified approach theory and its applications
Jäger, C.; Hertweck, T.; Hubral, P.
2002. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 1, 2178–218. doi:10.1190/1.1817138
3D common-reflection-surface stack and kinematic wavefield attributes
Bergler, S.; Hubral, P.; Marchetti, P.; Cristini, A.; Cardone, G.
2002. The leading edge, 21 (10), 1010–1015 
Common-reflection-surface stack for converted waves
Bergler, S.; Duveneck, E.; Hoecht, G.; Zhang, Y.; Hubral, P.
2002. Studia geophysica et geodaetica, 46 (2), 165–175 
Model-independent traveltime attributes for 2D and finite-offset multicoverage reflection
Zhang, Y.; Bergler, S.; Tygel, M.; Hubral, P.
2002. Pure and applied geophysics, 159, 1601–1616 
Analytic CRS formula for a 2D curved measurement surface and finite-offset reflections
Chira-Oliva, P.; Tygel, M.; Zhang, Y.; Hubral, P.
2002. Journal of seismic exploration, 10 (1/3), 245–262 
Cascading true-amplitude migration and demigration in practice
Hertweck, T.; Goertz, A.; Riede, M.; Jaeger, C.; Hubral, P.
2002. Journal of seismic exploration, 10 (1/3), 131–147 
Journal Articles
Cascading True-Amplitude Migration and Demigration in Practice
Hertweck, T.; Goertz, A.; Riede, M.; Jäger, C.; Hubral, P.
2001. Journal of seismic exploration, 10 (1-3), 131–147 
Common-Reflection-Surface Stack - Theorie und Praxis
Mann, J.; Hubral, P.
2001. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft / Sonderband, (2), 61–71 
Common-reflection-surface (CRS) stack for common-offset
Zhang, Y.; Bergler, S.; Hubral, P.
2001. Geophysical Prospecting, 49 (6), 709–718 
Common-reflection-surface stack: image and attributes
Jaeger, R.; Mann, J.; Hoecht, G.; Hubral, P.
2001. Geophysics, 66 (1), 97–109 
Book Chapters
True love for true amplitudes, 1970 - 1980
Hubral, P.; Vieth, K.-U.; Riede, M.; Hertweck, T.
2001. In: EAGE 1951-2001: reflections on the first 50 years. Ed.: A. McBarnet. Oxford 2001. S. 67-69 
Hyperbolic reflection moveout revisited
Bergler, S.; Hoecht, G.; Chira-Oliva, P.; Zhang, Y.; Hubral, P.
2001. In: EAGE 1951-2001: reflections on the first 50 years. Ed.: A. McBarnet. Oxford 2001. S. 64-66 
Journal Articles
Seismic modelling by demigration
Santos, L. T.; Schleicher, J.; Tygel, M.; Hubral, P.
2000. Geophysics 65 (2000) S. 1281-1289 
The common reflecting element (CRE) method revisited
Cruz, J. C. R.; Hubral, P.; Tygel, M.; Schleicher, J.; Hoecht, G.
2000. Geophysics 65 (2000) S. 979-993 
Journal Articles
Common-reflection-surface-stack - a real data example
Mann, J.; Jaeger, R.; Mueller, T.; Hoecht, G.; Hubral, P.
1999. J. of appl. geophys. 42 (1999) S. 301-318 
Seismic illumination
Hubral, P.; Hoecht, G.; Jaeger, R.
1999. The leading edge 18 (1999) S. 1268-1271 
Seismics and optics: hyperbolae and curvatures
Hoecht, G.; De Bazelaire, E.; Majer, P.; Hubral, P.
1999. J. of appl. geophys. 42 (1999) S. 283-300 
Common-reflection-point stacking in laterally inhomogeneous media
Perroud, H.; Hubral, P.; Hoecht, G.
1999. Geophys. prospect. 47 (1999) S. 1-24 
Journal Articles
Migrating around in circles. Part III
Perroud, H.; Hubral, P.; Hoecht, G.; De Bazelaire, E.
1997. The leading edge 16 (1997) S. 875-883 
Migrating around on hyperbolas and parabolas
Hoecht, G.; Perroud, H.; Hubral, P.
1997. The leading edge 16 (1997) S. 473-476 
Migrating around in circles. Part II
Adler, F.; Hoxha, F.; Hubral, P.
1997. The leading edge 15 (1997) S. 235-237 
Seismic constant-velocity remigration
Schleicher, J.; Hubral, P.; Hoecht, G.; Liptow, F.
1997. Geophysics 62 (1997) S. 589-597 
Minimum apertures and Fresnel zones in migration and demigration
Schleicher, J.; Hubral, P.; Tygel, M.; Jaya, M. S.
1997. Geophysics 62 (1997) S. 183-194 
Journal Articles
Frequency-space domain diffraction tomography in practical applications
Ruehl, T.; Hubral, P.
1996. J. of seism. explor. 5 (1996) H. 2 S. 141-156 
Migration around in circles
Liptow, F.; Hubral, P.
1996. The lead. edge 15 (1996) S. 10 
Seismic image waves
Hubral, P.; Tygel, M.; Schleicher, J.
1996. Geophys. j. int. 125 (1996) S. 431-442 
AVO correction for scalar waves in the case of a thinly layered reflector overburden
Widmaier, M.; Shapiro, S. A.; Hubral, P.
1996. Geophysics 61 (1996) S. 520-528 
A unified approach to 3-D seismic reflection imaging. Pt. 2: Theory
Tygel, M.; Schleicher, J.; Hubral, P.
1996. Geophysics 61 (1996) S. 759-775 
A unified approach to 3-D seismic reflection imaging. Pt. 1: Basic concepts
Hubral, P.; Schleicher, J.; Tygel, M.
1996. Geophysics 61 (1996) S. 742-758 
Journal Articles
Amplitude-preserving migration and elastic P-wave AVO-corrected for thin layering
Widmaier, M.; Mueller, T.; Shapiro, S.; Hubral, P.
1995. J. of seism. explor. 4 (1995) S. 169-178 
Numerical tests of 3D true-amplitude zero- offset migration
Filpo, E.; Hubral, P.
1995. Geophys. prospect. 43 (1995) S. 119-134 
Dualities involving reflectors and reflection-time surfaces
Tygel, M.; Schleicher, J.; Hubral, P.
1995. J. of seism. explor. 4 (1995) S. 123-150 
Elimination of harmonic distortion in vibroseis data
Li, X.-P.; Soellner, W.; Hubral, P.
1995. Geophysics 60 (1995) S. 503-516 
Geometrical-spreading and ray-caustic decomposition of elementary seismic waves
Hubral, P.; Tygel, M.; Schleicher, J.
1995. Geophysics 60 (1995) S. 1195-1202 
True amplitude migration of 2D synthetic data
Hanitzsch, C.; Schleicher, J.; Hubral, P.
1995. Geophys. prospect. 42 (1994) S. 445-462 
Journal Articles
A generalized O’Doherty-Anstey formula for waves in finely layered media
Shapiro, S.; Zien, H.; Hubral, P.
1994. Geophysics 59 (1994) S. 1750-1762 
Kirchhoff-Helmholtz theory in modelling and migration
Tygel, M.; Schleicher, J.; Hubral, P.
1994. J. of seism. explor. 3 (1994) S. 203-214 
Pulse distortion in depth migration
Tygel, M.; Schleicher, J.; Hubral, P.
1994. Geophysics 59 (1994) S. 1561-1569 
Frequency-dependent anisotropy of scalar waves in a multilayered medium
Shapiro, S.; Hubral, P.; Zien, H.
1994. J. of seism. explor. 3 (1994) S. 37-52 
Crustal structure of northern Israel
Ginzburg, A.; Ben-Avraham, Z.; Makris, J.; Hubral, P.; Rotstein, Y.
1994. Mar. & pet. geol. 11 (1994) S. 501-506 
Geometrical-spreading and ray-caustic decomposition for simple 3-D media
Hubral, P.; Tygel, M.; Schleicher, J.
1994. Geophysics 58 (1993) S. 1870-1873 
Journal Articles
Determination of Fresnel zones from travel time measurements
Hubral, P.; Schleicher, J.; Tygel, M.; Hanitzsch, C.
1993. Geophys. 58 (1993) S. 703-712 
Three-dimensional primary zero-offset reflection
Hubral, P.; Schleicher, J.; Tygel, M.
1993. Geophys. 58 (1993) S. 692-702 
Parabolic and hyperbolic paraxial two-point traveltimes in 3D media
Schleicher, J.; Tygel, M.; Hubral, P.
1993. Geophys. prospect. 41 (1993) S. 495-513 
Geometrical-spreading correction by a dual diffraction stack
Schleicher, J.; Hubral, P.; Tygel, M.
1993. Geophys. 58 (1993) S. 1870-1873 
Fluid reservoir (?) beneath the KTB drillbit indicated by seismic shear-wave observations
Lueschen, E.; Sobolev, S.; Werner, U.; Soellner, W.; Hubral, P.; et al.
1993. Geophys. res. let. 20 (1993) S. 923-926 
Multiple weights in diffraction stack migration
Tygel, M.; Schleicher, J.; Hubral, P.; Hanitzsch, C.
1993. Geophys. 58 (1993) S. 1820-1830 
3D true-amplitude finite offset migration
Schleicher, J.; Tygel, M.; Hubral, P.
1993. Geophys. 58 (1993) S. 1112-1126 
Three-dimensional paraxial ray properties. II. Applications
Hubral, P.; Schleicher, J.; Tygel, M.
1993. J. of seism. explor. 1 (1992) S. 347-362 
Book Chapters
Amplitude-preserving migration by weighted diffraction stacks
Schleicher, J.; Filpo, E.; Hanitzsch, C.; Tygel, M.; Hubral, P.
1993. In: Mathematical methods in geophysical imaging. Ed.: S.E. Zarantonello. Bellingham, Wash. 1993. S. 97-108. (SPIE proceedings. 2033.) 
Journal Articles
Three-dimensional paraxial ray properties. I. Basic relations
Hubral, P.; Schleicher, J.; Tygel, M.
1992. J. of seism. explor. 1 (1992) S. 265-280 
Gravity and magnetic contraints on deep and intermediate crustal structure and evolution models for the Rhine Graben
Campos-Enriquez, J. O.; Hubral, P.; Wenzel, F.; Lueschen, E.; Meier, L.
1992. Tectonophys. 206 (1992) S. 113-136 
Evaluation and interpretation of the VSP-measurements in the KTB-Oberpfalz pilot borehole
Hohrath, A.; Bram, K.; Hanitzsch, C.; Hubral, P.; Kaestner, U.; et al.
1992. Sci. drill. 3 (1992) S. 89-99 
Journal Articles
Three-dimensional true-amplitude zero-offset migration
Hubral, P.; Tygel, M.; Zien, H.
1991. Geophys. 56 (1991) S. 18-26 
Nonspecular reflections from a curved interface
Schleicher, J.; Hubral, P.; Tygel, M.
1991. Geophys. 50 (1991) S. 1203-1214 
Transforming a point-source seismogram into a beam seismogram
Tygel, M.; Leykam, A.; Hubral, P.; Pestana, R.
1991. Geophys. 56 (1991) S. 1819-1824 
Mixed-delay wavelet deconvolution of the point-source seismogram
Tygel, M.; Huck, H.; Hubral, P.
1991. Geophys. 56 (1991) S. 1405-1411 
Book Chapters
Computation of the normal moveout velocity in 3-D laterally inhomogeneous media with curved interfaces
Hubral, P.
1991. In: Velocity analysis on multichannel seismic data. Ed.: B.S. Bynum. Tulsa, Oklahoma 1990. (SEG reprint series. 12.) (Reprint from Geophys. prospecting 28 (1980) S. 221-239.) 
Book Chapters
Plane-wave decomposition: a tool for deconvolution
Tygel, M.; Hubral, P.; Wenzel, F.
1990. In: Tau-P.: a plane-wave approach to the analysis of seismic data. Ed.: P. Stoffa. Amsterdam 1989. S. 119-139 
Seismic migration on the various guises of plane-wave theory
Tygel, M.; Hubral, P.
1990. In: Aspects of seismic reflection data processing. Ed.: R. Marschall. Amsterdam 1990. s. 119-139 
Scientific deep drilling and geophysical sounding: a mutual scientific challenge to understand the processes shaping the earth’s crust
Fuchs, K.; Hubral, P.
1990. In: Super-deep continental drilling and deep geophysical sounding. Hrsg.: K. Fuchs. Berlin 1990. S. 57-69 
Journal Articles
Analysis of the Rayleigh pulse
Hubral, P.; Tygel, M.
1989. Geophysics 54 (1989) S. 654-658 
Book Chapters
Seismische Untersuchungen an der KTB- Lokation
Kaestner, U.; Bram, K.; Hubral, P.; Kiefer, W.; Koeninger, C.; et al.
1989. In: Grundlagenforschung und Bohrlochphysik. Red.: R. Haenel. Bd. 7. Hannover 1989. S. 169-210. (KTB-Report. 89,1.)