Yvonne Fröhlich, M. Sc. Geophysics / Seismology

Yvonne Fröhlich, M. Sc. Geophysics / Seismology

  • Hertzstraße 16
    76187 Karlsruhe

Yvonne Fröhlich is a PhD student and research assistant. Her research is related to Seismic anisotropy in the Earth’s mantle.

She was supported by a scholarship from the Graduate Funding from the German States of the Ministry of Science, Research and Art, Baden-Württemberg. Currently, she is working in the DFG Priority Program Reconstructing the Deep Dynamics of Planet Earth over Geologic Time (DeepDyn, SPP 2404). Furthermore, she is currently a maintainer of PyGMT, a Python interface for the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT).

MATLAB code regarding the analysis of shear wave splitting as well as Jupyter notebooks to reproduce some of the geographic maps presented in her publications are available from her GitHub account.


  • Seismology
  • Seismic anisotropy

  • Shear wave splitting

  • Numerical modeling

  • PyGMT

  • Open-source contributions
