Joint inversion of receiver functions and surface waves for temperature and lithology: An application in the Eastern Alps

  • Tagungsort:

    Geb. 06.42 - Raum 001 (Seminarraum) / Online

  • Datum:


  • Autoren:

    Stefan Mroczek

  • Referent:

    Stefan Mroczek


  • Zeit:

    9:30 am


The joint inversion of surface waves and receiver functions with Markov Chain Monte-Carlo has been successfully carried out numerous times. We propose an extension to the usual parameterisation of Vp and Vp/Vs whereby we are able to invert the seismic observables directly to crustal lithology/rock type. In order to achieve this, we employ a database of mineral assemblages stable in the crust calculated using Perple_X. These assemblages, along with temperature, constitute the search space of the Markov Chains. The end goal is to apply this joint inversion to stations in the SWATH-D network in the Eastern Alps to help determine the crustal composition.